Audio Delights is a music video DJ stream hosted by wonkknow at, 5 days a week. wonkknow (all lowercase) is a neurodivergent, non-binary writer, DJ, and editor. They were originally a (mostly rave) DJ from 1999-2007 and returned to DJing in 2020 right before the pandemic, now specialising in music video DJing (VJing). wonkknow obtains music videos from a number of sources/services and gets the best possible quality available. They also remaster audio and/or video on certain videos, as well as create their own music video edits for songs that don’t already have videos (some of this work you can see on

Audio Delights is a celebration of all music of any genre that moves the body and the spirit. This philosophy is put into practice during each of the 5 different themed streams every week, Sunday through Thursday starting at 3PM (pacific).

Join us at Twitch to celebrate music and be delighted.